Dedicated to the people and projects of AVRO Canada & Orenda Engines
The Avro Family |
John "Shorty" Hatton - was the Chief Experimental and Test Flight Inspector
on the CF-100 (the Canuck) and the Chief Experimental Inspector on the
CF-105 (the Arrow). Possibly involved with the VZ-9 AvroCar -- . The
Avro work he did was just the tip of the iceberg. He was in Ypres, survived
a tailspin plane crash in an Avro 504K (his learning years), helped
create and work the first Air Mail service in Canada, was a bush pilot,
was one of the first few to learn to fly with instruments, a teacher,
a test pilot (the latter two after he was declined a position with Trans-Canada
Airways, Air Canada now, because the interviewer, an American that ended
up in a fatal air crash a few months later, was constantly poking him
during the flight and at the end of the interview, said he was too slow).
[information supplied by Granddaughter]